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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Young mum

I fell pregnant with Ellie at 17 and had her when i was 18, i took to it like a duck does water it was amazing the rewards of being a parent are unexplanable and a true gift the first smile was bar far the best thing. I breastfed Ellie which no one was convinced i would, but i proved them all wrong i wasted so much money on bottles sterilisers milk as no one thought i would but i did tell ellie was 6 months. The following year my dad died but i am so glad i had Ellie young as my dad loved being a grandad and if i hadn't of had Ellie when i did he would never had of expereinced that.
 Mollie was then born when i was 21 after 2 miscarriages and what a joy she was to have Ellie enjoyed being a big sister i breastfed Mollie for 4 months but she wasnt gaining much weight at all so then had to introduce bottle feeding which was the biggest struggle i tried every bottle going and went to the london baby show and saw a mam stall, it was a life saver! She took to them very well and within a few days was gaining the weight she needed.
I then had Rylie when i was 23 after another miscarriage. I had a home birth with him and was magical! highly recommend to anyone and was so straightforward i had him at 4.30am and the midwives had gone by 5.30am and i was left to bond with him with my 2 sisters in the comfort of my own home. The girls were amazed to see Rylie and were both glad to be Big sisters, they loved to help out. i also breastfed Rylie till he was 4 months when my milk dried up. He then became quite poorly constatnyl being sick a strange rash and was always hungry and crying, the doctors tried many different milks till finally he accepted Neocate and he then was back to the content little baby i had whilst i was breastfeeding.
Ellie is now 8, Mollie 5 and Rylie 3 i'm 26. Being a young mum is great and i am enjoying every minute of it. There is times now i am a single parent that are hard but i have a very supportive family. My mum was young when she had my brother, sisters and me and she is now only in her 40's and its so nice that she has her life back and gets to experience being a nan whilst she is young she coped very well with us and still does and i hope my children will look up to me like i do my mum and appriciate everything i have done and given them in life. They are my world and i wouldnt change my life for anything. Being a young mum is great and i often get "there not all yours are they?" Well i'm proud and i'm sure the politeness and good manners of my children show people that i am doing a grand job of bringing my 3 children up.

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